One of the clearest ways you can set your video apart from others in the competition is to interview “experts” – people who are particularly knowledgeable about your chosen topic, work in a related field, or even those who may have been personally affected by laws or policies related to your issue.
While interviews are not required in the StudentCam checklist, including interviews with several “experts” is a good way to meet one of the competition requirements of showing multiple and varying points of view related to your topic. The interviews can also add credibility to your work, through your interviewees sharing insightful perspectives and other relevant information.
How can you find “experts” to interview?
- Start with your own personal network – family, friends, neighbors, etc. Is there someone among that group who could speak with some authority on your topic?
- Through your research into your topic, you will likely have found the names of several people who could add detail and a deeper understanding of your issue. Consider Googling their names and contact information to request a short interview with them for your C-SPAN StudentCam documentary. Be respectful of their time and consider sharing a few sample questions that you would like to ask.
- Search your topic on to see who has appeared on our television network in the past and spoken about related issues. Google their contact information and when you reach out to them, mention you have seen them on C-SPAN and that you would like to ask them a few questions for your C-SPAN StudentCam documentary.
- After each successful interview, ask that person if they know others who may be willing to speak with you about your topic.
- Make sure to also send a thank you note expressing your appreciation to anyone who willingly spends time answering your questions!
Final Tip: Make sure to identify any of the people who you interviewed when you are using clips of them in your documentary, such as with lower thirds and/or in your narration!
Tagged with: Competition Requirements Experts Interviews Perspective StudentCam 2025 Tips Viewpoints
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